总部新闻|| Zurn Elkay公司被《时代》杂志评为2025年全球可持续发展最佳公司之一发表时间:2024-12-04 15:37 Last week, Zurn Elkay Water Solutions was named one of the World's Best Companies for Sustainable Growth 2025 by TIME. ![]() 上周,Zurn Elkay Water Solutions公司被《时代》杂志评为2025年全球可持续发展最佳公司之一。 “Our demonstrated performance and commitment to growing our company while actively promoting sustainable environmental practices" earned us this recognition, said Todd Adams, chairman and CEO, in an email to all associates. “Of the 500 public and private companies making the list globally, Zurn Elkay is ranked #31 in the world, #10 in the U.S. and #1 in Wisconsin.” 该公司董事长兼首席执行官 Todd Adams 在给全体员工的一封电子邮件中表示:“我们在积极推动可持续环境实践的同时,展现出的业绩和对公司发展的承诺,为我们赢得了这一认可。在全球500家上市和私营公司中,Zurn Elkay 在全球排名第31位,在美国排名第10位,在威斯康星州排名第一。” Todd noted that third-party recognition like this award and the recent Newsweek list of America’s Greenest Companies “serves to validate for the world what we and our stakeholders know: our sustainability efforts have a compounding impact each and every day, to the environment, to our customers and to our financial performance.” In the spirit of our core value A Culture of Winning, Todd encouraged everyone to "take pride in this award and the work that we all are doing in our commitment to protecting, conserving and managing clean water, the world’s most valuable resource,” he said. Todd指出,得到这样的第三方奖项认可,以及最近发布的《新闻周刊—美国最环保公司名单》,“向世界证明了我们和我们的利益相关者:ELKAY艾肯对可持续发展的努力,每天都对环境、客户和财务业绩产生复合影响。” 在“共赢文化”核心价值观的影响下,Todd 鼓励每个人“为这个奖项以及我们为保护、节约和管理清洁水这一世界上最宝贵的资源所做的工作感到自豪”。 奖项介绍 The World’s Best Companies - Sustainable Growth award is presented by TIME in collaboration with Statista, the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider. The ranking recognizes companies that demonstrated their commitment to financial growth while actively promoting sustainable environmental practices. The analysis is based on three data sources: revenue growth, financial stability key performance indicators and environment data. 《时代》杂志与世界领先的统计门户网站和行业排名提供商 Statista 合作颁发了“全球最佳公司-可持续增长奖”。该排名旨在表彰那些在积极推动可持续环境实践的同时,也实现财务增长的公司。该分析基于三个数据来源:收入增长、财务稳定、关键绩效指标和环境数据。 |